This stuff was NEVER advertised to carry over. Neither was everything else you put so much "work" in.
If you want your old gear to remain useful way later in the game, then go play World Of Warcraft where Transmogrification is a thing.
Destiny Is a videogame. It is a luxury. You will survive without your silly emotes, fancy sparrows and the other crap you bought.
Why is it that every time that someone criticises bungie all the idiots come out & when you try to hold them to a point about destiny they start comparing it to other games instead of sticking to the point of the matter in question. I think that everything should be transferred over to D2 instead of this pointless argument. as a year one player I still remember getting screwed over the first time around by bungie watching my favourite weapons & armour been turned into shit because of some dick weed behind the seen