Will the Classic 6v6 have a higher droprate for Eyasluna than the Year3 gamemodes? Im just wondering as I think only Y2 Crucible weapons drop from Classic while Y3 Crucible drops both Y2 and Y3 weapons.
So, does Eyasluna have same droprate anywhere or is the droprate higher in Classic gamemodes?
This is what I did: Load up Mayhem Clash Finish last Profit
It drops in normal/current fairly often with Steel Oracle, AMR 20/20, Unending Deluge, Ill Will and Hopscotch Pilgrim. I've dropped about 7 -8 Eyasluna total without deliberate farming, so reference to other people's opinion that it could drop easier on the classic mode. By the way, all of them had awful rolls. Good luck Guardian.
The loot table is smaller in the classic playlists, so there's a greater chance that anything that drops there will be a luna.