So as everyone knows our great leader Trump has said that a terrorist attack was done in Sweden. To our great surprise, our great leader have lied about this as even the Swedish president posted about this to his biggest surprise.
It seems that Trump is getting his information from news he is seeing on his TV. Everybody knows that all news is a bit biased and as he knows some of them are even fake news like he continuously repeats. So what do you think? Righties what is your excuse now to defend your dear president? This time is not a mistake in numbers but a serious lie that create thoughts against illegal immigrants. Is this they way Trump gonna get rid of them? By turning the people against them?
Edit: downvoting the thread doesn't make it less real.
Look up what's going on in Sweden and you'll see. Wasn't talking about a terrorist attack. More of a ongoing ruining of thier country. As for the last night thing... Well has Trump has proven time and time again... He's not a politician. So he does shit a normal politician wouldn't do. Like speak in a more casual way and say shit in ways that are easily misleading. If you haven't figured out this by now your kind of slow buddy.
Bumpitu bump
Heres how it works Things trump likes = real Things trump doesn't like = fake.
Bump the Trump