Check out my character stats; my male hunter is my day one character.
I mainly PvP almost everyday, EST time zone.. I used to run trials up until this past year since the clan I was in dismantled since the Rise Of Iron update.
Feel free to message me on PSN or here, if you are interested in adding me to your PvP clan.
Check us out at 1200+ members PS4 side and around 300 XB1 members world wide. We don't bail on anyone and love to help get people to the light level they want to achieve!! We have very experienced clan members, as well as new ones. Play everything the game has to offer, PvP including sweaties and Trials of Osiris to all aspects of PvE. We are very open for people to join us and move up in the ranks of the clan. I am the Administrator for the Xbox side of our clan. If you have any questions feel free to shoot me a message. If you decide to join up, please be sure to tell them Avenge Agony sent you. XB1: Avenge Agony