[url=https://flatearthandthought.com/2017/02/15/flat-earth-principles-the-obligate-tendency-towards-downward-motion/]I recently posted in my blog, Flat Earth & Thought, a short piece explaining one of the central principles of Flat Earth Theory.[/url] [i]The Obligate Tendency Towards Downward Motion[/i] admits as a principle what science is too proud to allow. The force that causes downwards motion does not require explanation: it is an inherent tendency of all unsupported objects to fall. Like 2+2=4, no explanation is need OR even possible. It is a fact that [b]simply [u][i]is[/i].[/b][/u]
I am right you all are wrong. Hurrdurrr Here are some credited Wiki sources. Hurrdurrr I was socially rejected from every group on school so i came up with this to be popular. Hurrdurrr Omg i have some Tweener following me around praising my knowledge. Hurrdurrr Did i mention everyone that disagrees with me is wrong and i dont listen to their logic whatsoever because it makes my gimmick more well known? Hurrdurrr