Because that is all everyone will use for specials in PvP after the totally unnecessary special ammo nerf.
Bungie is digging their own grave. D2 will be a well-deserved flop if they continue down this road.
Edit: Since a few people seem to think I am whining about this, know that I barely play Crucible and when I do, I use primaries and sidearms. I am simply stating the proven fact that when Bungie nerfs something, something else replaces the nerfed guns as the new meta, and then the community will start complaining about [i]that[/i].
Ice Breaker- Takes forever (in terms of crucible) to get even 1 ammo due to nerfs. Basically by the time you get a round for you probably could have died several times over. Invective- Very short range and with shotgun nerfs will be even worse for wear. With the changes to autos and hand cannons will even easier to combat. Sidearms- Can be combated even now at short ranges with scout rifles and again with the changes to autos and hand cannons it will make it even harder to be somewhat competent. The sad thing is people will actually camp and wait at special boxes still, slowing the match to a crawl instead of actually going out and getting kills and then whine about how slow matches have become. That being said, if they implemented these changes I see no reason why shotguns really needed another nerf since they won't be that big of an issue.