Hello Guardians =) I need some informations about 3oC and I hope, as always, in your help.
So, every week, if Xur doesn't bring anything of my interest, I usually buy 100 or more 3oC and I simply activate it everytime I can. When I kill an Ultra, 3oC get scaled and then I immediately replace it with another one. Easy. I active only 1 3oC.
Every day I try to do a sort of... uhm... "Ultra Rush"? I go in the Cosmodrome and I active the Execution Patrols trying to get the "Troll Patrol" or the Taken's Patrol to kill Falsek. Going around for The Divide I also usually kill Darnu that is pretty easy to get down. So I have 3 Ultra in a very small Area and that's good for me. Normally doing this I get an Exotic avery... 9-10 3oC but this is very realtive.
Now, in theese days I've played with other guys and they told me that 3oC has some sort of "hidden mecchanincs" like a cool-down of 10-15 minutes, a strange rapport of the number of Coins you spend and how many 3oC you buy ecc ecc. I really didn't get this... so... can someone please give me some explanation about?
There is no cool down period. In the early months after 3oC became available the cool down period was a theory that was widely circulated. Since then it has been proven many times that no waiting is required. You can confirm this for yourself by farming bosses.