Hello Guardians =) I need some informations about 3oC and I hope, as always, in your help.
So, every week, if Xur doesn't bring anything of my interest, I usually buy 100 or more 3oC and I simply activate it everytime I can. When I kill an Ultra, 3oC get scaled and then I immediately replace it with another one. Easy. I active only 1 3oC.
Every day I try to do a sort of... uhm... "Ultra Rush"? I go in the Cosmodrome and I active the Execution Patrols trying to get the "Troll Patrol" or the Taken's Patrol to kill Falsek. Going around for The Divide I also usually kill Darnu that is pretty easy to get down. So I have 3 Ultra in a very small Area and that's good for me. Normally doing this I get an Exotic avery... 9-10 3oC but this is very realtive.
Now, in theese days I've played with other guys and they told me that 3oC has some sort of "hidden mecchanincs" like a cool-down of 10-15 minutes, a strange rapport of the number of Coins you spend and how many 3oC you buy ecc ecc. I really didn't get this... so... can someone please give me some explanation about?
There is a invisible "cool down" on them so basically if you pop a 3oC and use it the next one you use will have less of a chance to drop a exotic for the next 15 minutes the chance gets higher and higher until the 15 minutes are up and it's back to normal