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2/10/2017 7:58:06 AM

Feedback on Upcoming Special Ammo Changes

Bungie, I am pretty happy with the upcoming changes and agree with all of the ones that were previewed except for one. I do not often disagree with balance changes, but there have been a few exceptions (Throwing Knives and Tripmines), so please understand that I am not just another person whining about every little thing. This time, I happen to disagree with the upcoming change that will make Special ammo disappear upon death because I do not believe it will achieve your goal in a positive way. I fully agree with wanting Specials used less, that you shouldn't be able to run around with only a Special weapon and have any chance of being first place. However, with Special loss upon death, you will most definitely have people who come across the experience of trying to get Special ammo after respawn and getting one shot by a Special weapon, then the Special is taken by that enemy. There will be games where people get no Special for the entire match and I assure you they will be very upset, possibly even discouraged to play. I thought before, and I still think now, that a Special ammo economy change was needed, but I truly believe that the best solution would have been to reduce the ammo received from each Special brick in half instead of loss upon death. Cozmo, please keep a look out for this subject around the web and let the Dev team know if (rather when) this is brought up by the members of the community. They need to watch this particular change very closely. If you support this idea, please like and bump this post so hopefully Cozmo will see it.

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