If you are reading this, then you are wasting precious time reading the comments. You will probably comment or like this, but you will waste more time. You are now thinking what I am on about, probably thinking that I am on something. However you are just wasting more time reading my comment. I have just wasted precious moments of your life that you could have spent sleeping. If you just realised, I have wasted more time explaining that I have wasted time. For this reason you might as well like this comment, as you might as well waste more time. Thank you for your wasted time.
Edited by Zavala's Pet Cat: 2/8/2017 3:47:16 PMJokes on you. I'm wasting [i]YOUR[/i] time by having you read this! TAKE THAT! You cannot resist reading further, only boosting my power & reward of victory! This post is also longer than the thread ITSELF! I bet you can't comprehend my power! Bow down to your new overlord! Manbearpig! You cannot resist my power! You shall [i][u][b]FALL[/b][/u][/i]! Like so many others have! BWAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA this post is basically gonna be evil laughter from here on out btw. HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAAAA!
Downvoted. [spoiler]Making Memes Since '02.[/spoiler]
Time that i enjoyed wasting was not truly wasted. That being said, -Blam!- you. Waste of my time. [spoiler]/sarcasm[/spoiler]
Yes, yes you did
I'm awake two hours and twenty minutes before I go to school. No time was wasted. [spoiler]Farming coconuts since 7-26-2016 [/spoiler]
That's the point. I'm not on #offtopic because it's a rewarding experience. I'm here to kill time and shitpost.
This comment is going to waste time. How exactly does one waste time? Time isn't a physical thing, it can't go to waste. The universe can't run out of time. When you die, time isn't going to stop. It'll seem like that to you, but not to anyone else. Time will keep going, and it cannot be "wasted", only used. You're using up your time, draining seconds away from it that you could use differently. Instead, you choose to use your time being alive reading this comment. [spoiler]And as always, thanks for watch- reading.[/spoiler]
I have time to waste. You just wasted a couple seconds reading this. [spoiler]The luckiest seven you will ever meet[/spoiler]