Your joke is actually a joke when I use it, not ignorance like when you used it.
Oh god not this again :(
You're just mad that you lost. #feelsbad2k17
Nah I'm just mad that you couldn't pull anything better out of your ass
Everything in my ass is total shit. What do you keep in your ass that's so great?
Lots of things. Mostly dicks though
I'm calling the FBI to let them know you have a cache of dismembered dicks in your anal cavity.
They won't find anything. That's what the hamsters are for
Aww c'mon do t you want the media to give you an awesome penis-related murderer nickname? You'll be as famous as Hitler!
Well now that you mention it... You know what make that phone call.
The agent at the dick crime hotline said they have a full caseload. It could be months until they open a case on you. Sorry bud. I'll give you a nickname. How about "The Chode Chopper"?
I guess it's settled then ;)
Edited by fairweatherfoe: 2/1/2017 8:14:00 PMNot sure how we ended up at this point but suffice it to say I have a newfound respect for you. Party on, Sir Chode Chopper. Party on. (Even though you don't know a British idiom from a dick in your ass)
Lol he can be the leader of a biker gang and his bike is called that. He himself will just be knowns as "sir chode" lol