I don't even care at this point because PS4 is where all the bungie bounties are which is unfair to Xbox. Many streamers have an Xbox but they all want to be on PS4 which in my opinion is stupid
I agree, but it is a PS4 favored game, so it makes sense. Guess it makes Xbox BB emblems rarer, which is kinda cool to serif you match them.
By the way nice emblem
I thank you kind sir, and I wish you luck to obtain this exact one.
Thank you!
Yea I know it its irritating. In two and a half years I saw one person with this emblem on Xbox, that's rare
Him and Broman both did half on each and others played xbox exclusively
Most have been on PS4
It's down to the fact that Bungie are working closely with PlayStation in terms of Exclusives etc. That and the playerbase for PS4 is supposedly larger than XBone. Not sure if there's truth to that though.
You'd think Bungie would show some respect to those that brought them their original success beforehand with HALO... but no, guess they wanna go with the old "Out with the old and in with the new".