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Edited by EssAndEmm2013: 2/1/2017 2:58:01 AM

please don't let gothalion EVER host bungie bounty again

i get that he wants to do it his way, and not do a countdown but he's trashing EVERYONE, he's been defending his lack of a countdown for 20 minutes straight, and now his entire chat is toxic he's the only streamer the entire event that hasn't done a countdown, and he KNOWS he is pissing everyone off, defending his actions, and making everything awful it's not the worst that he's not doing a countdown, but he's treating everyone like trash, if a bungie employee was watching his stream right now, they would cut sponsorship, it's just awful, look for yourself you don't have to take my word for it * * * EDIT * * * for those wondering what the countdown is, when bungie bounties stream, there is a delay if you try to team up with him (or against him) by watching his stream exclusively, it will never happen; because if you team up when you see him team up, in real life he's already fighting a match so they do a "countdown" via TEXT in the stream so everyone knows when to team up with the bungie bounty, today, Gothalion broke tradition and flat out refused to do so not only did he refuse, he called his fans "crybabies" "meanies" "bullies" "trolls" while also telling them to "get over it" "have fun" "shut up" "do something else" this guy is getting publicly sponsored and free advertisement on the official bungie site with the official bungie brand, this event wasn't done out of the good will of his heart on his own time, it was a business contract i don't care either way, i want the emblem, i'm maxed grimoire, and don't care who i earn it from, but today was a travesty, *Gothalion's actions cannot go unnoticed, it was a complete dud to participate today, he bitched on stream for over an hour, and continued to do so even after the event was over

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  • The guy is a massive wanker. Is terrible at PvP. He should stick to doing raids with rands. lol if you pay money to watch him 😂

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  • Why people waste their time watching trash streamers is beyond me. The only streams worth watching are Bungie Reveal Streams.

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    3 Replies
    • How does someone with a wife and kids find the time to stream as much as he does? And don't compare it to an 8 hour a day job because streamers are online sometimes for the majority of the day.

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      • Is this one of them "alternate facts" I keep hearing about??

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      • Wah wah I can't get my shitty emblem wah wah. Grow the -blam!- up already

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      • Come on. Find something usefull to care about then some emblem. Or did you hope to become cool if you could tell people you beat a streamer or something? His stream, his rules. Start streaming if you want to set the rules yourself.

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      • Why the shit anyone would watch a -blam!-ing stream is beyond me. Utter dross. Proper boils my piss. Bollock gobbling bellend stroking titty shits. End.

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        156 Replies
        • Him and anyone who has ever been a notable streamer of this game has proven time and time again that really only the douchiest of people are popular in this community. Just enjoy the game, there's literally nothing you can't get by grinding. Maybe idk the allure of a bounty of this variety but if it's like every other thing in this game it's not worth it.

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        • Shouldn't judge people based on skill, but god, Gothalian is just -blam!-ed in all kinds of ways, especially considering he is trash...

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        • Couldnt care less about that little shite. His ego is [i]Waaaaaayy[/i] too big for a crappy destiny streamer. He treats his followers like shit and acts entitled to do so.

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          2 Replies
          • 1) Gothalion is not sponsored by Bungie. 2) A steamer has the right to run his/her stream as he/she sees fit 3) Regardless of lack of countdown, if you weren't on a FL host there is no way you were going to match him anyways... maybe that would be a legitimate point to bring up. 4) The people he was calling out were bringing toxicity to his chat without first being provoked. 5) Gothalion has helped promote this game more than any other steamer out there.. and Bungie would agree with that. Honestly, you are so out of touch with reality that I'm surprised I even took the time to explain it to you.

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            15 Replies
            • Edited by dehlert: 2/3/2017 11:23:45 AM
              Eh goth is a shit person, he has hinted many times in the early days how his marriage was on the rocks, likely due to his video game habbits and he got lucky with the youtube and eventual twitch career and now things seem better.. while that is cool it showed his lack of priorities when it came to helping with the bills under the guise of being a stay at home dad. Now he builds his life on donation money and even has broman basically parroting his mannerisms in an attempt to get some of that success. He acts like he cares about other streamers but in reality he only sends his subs to his friends 90% of the time and we all know it really doesn't help their channels because his subs won't leave him for the plebs he sends them to Oh and could care less about the bounty thing just figured I would put a crack on gothalions image

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            • Goth is just a shitty streamer and person anyway you didn't really have to make this long of a post to say it lol. He's like that girl back in high school. Yea you know who she was because she was that dumb bitch always doing everything she could for attention.

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            • Honestly the majority of us could give a rats ass about the Bungie Bounty or Streamers that are participating. The majority of us play Destiny to have fun. I see no reason why you would have such issue with this neckbeard? Who really cares? Here's a heads-up buttercup. If you have issue with someone address that head on. Calling someone out because you don't agree with the way they act may mean something to your momma but it means F-All to most everybody else. Don't look for sympathy.

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              8 Replies
              • Edited by The Quillster: 2/3/2017 12:59:49 AM
                Thee bounties in general are just a terrible idea imo, not necessarily because of the people hosting but because of the way they're setup. It sounds like a fun idea, get a chance to team up or go against one of your favourite gamers, and get a cool emblem, but the chance of matching up is so minuscule that you might as well try and win the lotto while you're at it. And of course there's the fact that some people have connection advantages due to their location relative to the steamer, and you could end up keep matching with the same people which prevents others from getting in. Finally, it's not good enough that you were lucky enough to match with them, but you then have to beat or win with them which is entirely down to who's on your team, the enemy team etc. On a side note, I did end up randomly matching against byf once, not even during a steam which really goes to show the randomness at play.

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                1 Reply
                • Just an emblem:'D. It's kinda funny that everyone is so crazy about this emblem. It's like the recon armor back in the day:'D.

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                • People still stream this game? Lmao.

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                  • Reported for crying

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                    • i just dont like his stream, more enjoying Kraft

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                    • Am I the only one who thought this streamer promo was dumb? The bungie bounty should stay as a bungie exclusive bounty. Having to follow streamers to promote them is not fun.

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                      2 Replies
                      • If you can tell how much the delay is, why need a countdown? You'll be queing with hundreds of people...

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                      • Well, for starters, he isn't sponsored by Bungie, he's an independent streamer and Destiny just happens to be his main game. Secondly, do you actually know what tradition means? A countdown prior to a Bungie bounty isn't a tradition, it's just common courtesy and is decided upon at the streamers discretion. He should have done one, but in no way did he absolutely have too. Not that it matters, given SBMM you wouldn't have matched him anyway, his stats are better. As for a punishment, are you a child? Bungie approached him, not the other way around. Also, out of curiosity, what does you having max grimoire have to do with anything related to your rant? Yours sincerely, a guy also with max grimoire and the emblem you so desperately crave ✌️

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                        41 Replies
                        • Edited by zxionisus: 1/31/2017 11:10:10 PM
                          I watched his stream this morning, and I couldn't disagree with you more. He was respectful. You are ultra-sensative and need to grow a pair. You are whining over nothing. By the way, it was the first time I've ever watched his stream. In fact, I've only watched Destiny streams a few times total. No one was forcing you to watch it.

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                          4 Replies
                          • I've never seen somebody so butt hurt about something that meant so little. Even including liberal protests.

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                            2 Replies
                            • He's a turd with a bad attitude and not that good. I'm sure many members of this community could pub stomp him if we played as much as he does.

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                            • Gothalion is obnoxious, but nobody is entitled to a countdown.

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