I need advice from the amazing writers on these forms. I have read a lot of your guys stories and I love them. In addition to YouTube, I want to start writing here because it also allows me to give something back to the community. So, my questions are: How long should my "book" be? How long should a chapter be? How often should I post? And finally, what should I write about? I think I want to write about the people that captured the PvP maps, because I think that is a really cool concept, but do you guys think it is? I hope you guys answer these questions and I can't wait to start writing in the amazing community you guys have built up. Love you guys and keep writing!
Shoot for whatever length you feel comfortable writing about. There isn't a set standard to reach towards but rather something you should be proud of making and something you are happy with the quality of. Writing is a process of trail and error where you try and find the middle ground of what you like and what you're willing settle for while pushing towards your idea of perfection. Just keep writing and practicing.