I've been wanting to do the Trails of Osiris for a while, but I've run into a problem. I tried doing the Trails with my level 40 Hunter, whose Light level is 306 (if I remember right), but it's staying that I need better armor; my gear is an exotic helmet and everything else legendary.
Can someone please tell me what's going on?
Hello Nykyrian_Guard. This is not a bug. To go off of what ThundaDevil said, the quality of the gear itself is not an issue. It is that your light level of 306 is very low for Trials of Osiris. [i][u]The recommended minimum light level for Trials of Osiris is 370 light.[/u][/i] To get your light level up, I would wear your best light level gear at all times and play in activities like the Strike playlists or Crucible. When wearing your highest light gear, newer gear will drop around your light level or higher and you can infuse that gear into your legendaries or exotics if you so choose. I hope that helps you!
Your light level is simply too low. Trials of Osiris recommends the best gear possible, so many players will be around 400 light. They have a minimum light required so lower players don't struggle as much.