I just had to create this. I main a Titan just so everyone knows
Hey everybody my video was accepted on the creations page so go vote for it
Edit: please go like or upvote my submission on the creations page as guys. I would love to possibly have my first MOTW chance
You are a true titan king [spoiler]when you FoH off the map. Seriously I can't count how many times I've done this[/spoiler]
Get inside me is your first missed step
Self bump
Bumpity bump bump bump. Bumping is fun to bump, right? I just find going bump bump bump bump bump bump is great. Oh, I forgot something. [spoiler]BUMPPPPPPPOO[/spoiler]
Self bump
Terrible grenade Not sure why you think this should be MOTW satire?
I trusted you, and now I want my 33 seconds back.
Wow , good job ,
I wasted 2,892 hours on this game when I could have been preparing my mind for what's really coming....brace yourself there's so much you don't know
This is so me! You got my bump
You're not a titan unless you have dropped a bubble during pvp and you wanted to fist of havoc 3 guardians at the heavy ammo box
How you Titan drop bubble in middle of map and sit down and wait. :/
> shotgun Don't listen to him we don't need anymore shotgunners.
I would like to say I haven't done that but I have