Just got Rise of Iron for Xmas, wife pre ordered and wrapped destiny for one of my presents. Loving the game, however, I'm unable to get my pre order dlc. My code says it's already been redeemed so I contacted Microsoft. They said my code was fine be the pre order dlc is no longer available on Xbox. So I can't get gally or the sparrow even though my wife pre ordered and waited till Xmas for me to get it. Just find it a little messed up for players who got the game for Xmas. Been looking forward to playing the latest X-Pac forever but now I can't use the gally or the awesome Sparrow. Kind of a let down. Is there anything you guys can do for us that just got it for Xmas bungie?
Even if Bungie wanted to help you (but they wouldn't because then it'd be unfair and they'd have to start making exceptions for everyone), they still wouldn't be able to do anything since they can't really control MS licensing.