Hey all. It was just recently my birthday, so I have a little more of a disposable income than usual. I decided that I was gonna put money towards upgrading my PC, but I only have so much. Where do you think I should put it?
8 Gigs ram
i5-4430 @ 3.00 GHz
GTX 660
Get an RX 470 or 480.
Upgrade that 660 first
Gpu first, then cpu if possible (at least to an i5 4690k if you want to stay i5)
Edited by DELIVER ME MEMES: 1/12/2017 9:53:32 AMget rid of the 660. that's not going to be enough for modern AAA games on 1440 60 fps. use pcpartpicker.com to make a list of your parts and post the link [b]from the permalink button[/b]. the generic url will only lead to a blank page. it will tell you what your projected wattage should be and then you can use the site to compare prices for the next GPU you buy as well.
Upgrade your GPU. I recommend either an RX 480 or a GTX 1060. You could go for a 1070, but it would be wise to upgrade your CPU as well if you went with that.
Edited by Pahvi: 1/10/2017 10:40:32 PM8gigs & i5 are probably ok for now... Upgrade the gpu...remember to check if your psu gives enough power.
Tbh that 4430 is leagues better than my cpu
How much money do you have and what PSU do you have? Upgrade the GPU.
Xbox one.......... [spoiler]ill leave[/spoiler]
Acer Predator X21
Gpu is pretty terrible. I'd recommend a 1060 or 480 (I prefer amd in this case as I have it and can say with full confidence it's a great card) and CPU you have to leave otherwise just do a new build and 16 gigs is easy just get some evga ddr4 it's cheap and works great (from my experience)
Go with a 470, 480, or 1070, with whatever fits your budget.
What's your power supply right now?
Edited by PC Master Race: 1/11/2017 12:27:01 AMWhats your budget and what do you plan on doing with your PC? I'd recommend upgrading the GPU first. If you're doing only gaming the i5 is a decent processor and will do what you want. For gaming only 8 gb ram isn't too bad so I'd just focus on GPU for now. If you're willing to spend the money, the 1070 is a great card. If your budget is a little lower then the 1060 or 1050ti is what you want.
GPU first.