The gun itself is okay but as a Tex Mechanica gun it should fire just a bit faster since for some reason it's stagger abilities are abysmal and it can be out ranged by a TLW.
The gun is amazing in the right hands. It's the exact opposite of the TLW and it can not be outranged by one.
The first curse is fine how it is. Its a monster in crucible in the right hands and the player knows what their doing. You gotta learn to use the weapon right.
It just need a 5% increase to rof and all precision kills reload and activate its main per. Replace triple tap with rangefinder or hidden hand. Actually, all max impact handcannons should get a small rof buff. All low impact handcannons, save tlw, should have way better base stats than they have now.
when you trigger the perk it becomes amazing. Until then you have to be clever with it
Super piece of junk ! No matter how good you are with head shots the stability just to terrible .bad enough it has a slow rof in really trying to figure out why is this an exotic? Nothing about it is rewarding to the point it's an option to use other than the rest of the top tier guns.To this day I still question the guys logics who design theses archetype weapons smh
Outranged? I guess sometimes since TLW is still OP but if you play it at range you shouldn't be getting outgunned by a Last Word