Step 1: forget to sell your cargo
Step 2: get a passenger
Step 3: get an anaconda elite to interdict you
Step 4: submit to interdiction, not realizing that you still have a passenger
Step 5: turn on silent running in the middle of the battle thinking it was flight assist and look at the passenger messages of him freaking out
Step 6: take enough damage to make most of your modules malfunction
Step 7: return to bubble
Step 8 (optional): get pulled out of hyperjump by an alien ship
So this is how I ended my carrer on elite dangerous today, have you done some kind of fails sequence on any game?
[spoiler]the contract was 50M just to go from the main bubble to Maia[/spoiler]
Have you accidentally boosted inside a station and got your Cutter hopelessly marooned on the back wall of the station? I remapped my boost. Now I sometimes accidentally boost mid-combat when switching firegroups. This either gets me out of firing range, or if the enemy is unfortunate enough to be in front of me, they die. Or take horrific damage. I once shunted an Anaconda for 2 km 😂