So, I beat the main story of Pokémon Moon and I need your advice on catching Necrozma. Should I use the master ball on it (due to being harder to catch than even Mewtwo), or do you have other suggestions on what ball to use? Personally, I want this legendary in a beast ball.
Update: ended up using a dusk ball because he broke out of all of my beast balls.
What exactly is necrozma supposed to be?
Never understood why people care what pokeball is used. I caught mine in an ultra-ball. I'll use what is most effective in catching pokemon, not what looks nice.
Poke balls. Spam that shit.
Beast Ball is a serious name for a pokeball? [spoiler] BAHAAHAHAHA![/spoiler]
I wonder if Necrozma will be the mascot on the third game
I just lobbed a dusk ball at it for the hell of it, and it worked. I was prepared to use a master, as, well, what else is there to use it on? At that point, at least.
Edited by Keksis, enjoyer of memes: 1/8/2017 8:32:47 AMIt's more difficult to catch necromaza with beast balls as it isn't a ultra beast but an actual legendary so technically the beast ball is worse than a poke ball on it Now I just got to figure out how to meet it in game so I can try to catch it Also for some reason net balls are extremely effective for me I've had better chances with net ball than ultra balls, don't mind though I love the design of the net ball
Might as well just use the masterball, I still have mine.
Caught him with a pokeball.
I traded my lvl 22 ditto for Necrozma, dude really wanted a ditto.
The one that doesn't hurt.
I used my Master ball
That's crazy he broke out. My 7 year old got sooooo lucky and caught him with a beast ball at yellow health! I couldn't believe his fortune. I told him I may borrow his game to find shinies with the hopes of an RNG blessed game lol
I remember trying to catch ho-oh in soulsilver and using all of my pokeballs, then the premier ball that I had just for the sake of having it caught it.