i got this game for super cheap in the steam sale since the devs were forced to remake it and re-release it after bugbashing it so it works now.
i played/finished the first arkham game(it was a'ight, followed the book close enough), and didn't like the second enough(too many puzzles, too much repetative areas) to finish it.
what tips do you have for the 3rd arkham game?
any tips on finding firefighters or riddles?
Don't spend 2 hours trying to get batman to kill only to punch someone into a wall and watch their neck extend 1m and still have a steady heartbeat
It's easy to get good at stealth as long as your timing is good. Definitely should invest in the bat mobile because there are some crazy-ass tank battles
Spec into combat and movement. So the critical combo multiplier skills, and the better grapple. I'd also suggest you upgrade every single gadget as they are all beyond useful when you're fighting.
Don't die