In this video me and my dudes, PrinceThaGamer & Mastalin, do 'GamIN Talk 22S’! We talk about the Nintendo Switch and if it will flop or not! Please, enjoy (:[quote]1st Part | Nintendo Switch - Best Selling Gaming Device Next Year?!?
Part 2 of GamIN Talk 22S[/quote]
Probably not, but I'ma still buy it.
All they need is a good price and tons of marketing.
It all depends on their ability to release titles for their biggest franchises in the first 2 years. The Wii-U had an incredible head start over its competitors, but it didn't release anything worthwhile until the Xbox One and PS4 were already out. While I'm a Nintendo fan, there's no way in a million years you can compete with Halo, Destiny (lol) and GTA V with just remasters. They only really put effort into trying to sell trash fanservice: the game. Yooka Laylee and Breath of the Wild will give the Switch a strong start, but if we don't see a Metroid, Star Fox (that's not yet another Lylat Wars reboot), Super Mario Galaxy, Donkey Kong, F-Zero or willing third party titles out and about before 2019, it won't be good enough on their behalf.
I sure as hell wont buy it.
Seems pretty interesting, yet the price is really high which will probably lower who will buy it by quite a large percent
Nintendo wouldn't ship enough consoles for it to sell big. Just look at the NES mini and the lack of units that they shipped
Maybe, but I'm not watching your stupid video.
It's Nintendo of course if won'tc remember the Wii U. Sadly I remember the shit stain it was.
Exactly what relation to the Nintendo corporation do you have, that would make your opinion interesting on this matter?
I hope it does well. Really cool idea but if the mobile screen is as much slower as reports are saying that'll really hurt it. Not watching your video
When the wii u was first show it was awesome looking. Nintendo waited too long for more information and lost the hype. Hope they do something different
Bump, anyone? (: