So my issue with juggernaut is it can take 1 blast of any amount of damage and it doesn't effect the titan. This annoys me because I have to use one golden gun shot just to take out the shield, and another for the titan. Same with shadowshot. The other day I was playing crucible when a juggernaut rushed me with a shotgun. Not surprised, I went screw it and fired shadowshot at him. Guess what happened. Juggernaut took the shadowshot blast, not supressing him and gave him enough time to fist of havoc and kill me. This would be solved if it was something similar to an overshield like flameshield so that he would be suppressed and couldn't smash me. I will probably have a video of it up in a little bit.
NOTE: The overshield should expire when the titan stops sprinting or it should timeout after being active for a certain amount of time.
Stop whining, you kids get that anoying as hell shadestep that saves your ass on multiple occasions, disable tracking, easily get out of the way, also my gg always stops jug, just run overpenatrating on your perk tree. My tether always kills a jug titan, just leave it alone!! Do you kids just want to nerf everything into the ground!! Holy shit. I miss when every class was viable. Now it seems all of them have been nerfed. Gunslinger, sunsinger, shoulder charge, nightstalker, bladedancer, titans (titan skating nerf (slightly) ) Sunbreaker, defender, uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Stop nerfing. It narrows diversity and is why we are in this shit meta currently.