[i]"It's that time again guardians"[/i]
[b][u]FREE FOR THE HOLIDAYS![/u][/b]
Wanting to show off that brand new shiny trials armour off to your friends...Or do you just like to get things completed and reach that milestone? Then don't miss this!
Me and some of the top players have made it our Funtime to help get you that flawless!
Year 2 I placed [b][u]top 70th[/u][/b] for trials with over [b][u]2400 Elo!!![/u][/b] So you will be in great care!
[b]•My stats•[/b]
Feel free to join my stream will be doing free carries FOR THE HOLIDAYS!!
[b]•Twitch• [/b]
Everyone is welcomed.
Please message •[b][u]Remarkzz[/u][/b]• via Xbox one for further information or message me on twitch via the link given above.
This is going to be an awesome year for trials! Have fun and good luck!
Need 1 for kd and elo farm in trials already went flawless me and my buddy are good add us evokidzz
Looking for a team to do trials with & go flawless every week. 1.4+ kd, i'll be checking. My Kd and elo is low but you can help me. I am better than my stats guaranteed. Anyone who is 1.4 and is generous enough to start up a team msg me. Gt is same
• [b]Holiday Special[/b] • Doing FREE Carries!! • Stats • destinytrialsreport.com/xbox/Remarkzz/… • Twitch • Www.twitch.tv/remarkzz Message [b][u]Remarkzz[/u][/b] to run! [b][u]WATCH ME DOUBLE CARRY ON STREAM!!![/u][/b] [b][u]JOIN TWITCH TO BE PICKED FOR A FREE CARRY[/u][/b]!
************* LIVE ON TWITCH*************** Helping the Destiny community go flawless! Twitch: www.twitch.tv/Shnitsingigglz GT: Narcissizm Holiday Special Lighthouse trips!! Dropping a follow in stream enters you into a raffle and a giveaway!! Must be in stream for more details!! Twitch: www.twitch.tv/Shnitsingigglz Over 200+ followers taken to the Lighthouse so far, give me the opportunity to show you I can be next Join the stream ASAP See you soon!
Looking for a team to do trials with & go flawless every week. 1.4+ kd, i'll be checking. My Kd and elo is low but you can help me. I am better than my stats guaranteed. Anyone who is 1.4 and is generous enough to start up a team msg me. Gt is same
i am doing account recoverys for cheap i am doing them for a $10 microsoft card per character message gt above if you are intrested
Need 1 I am 1950 elo 1.72 kd message if you have similiar stats gt above
400 warlock 1.2 kd 1650 elo 94x flawless Invite me Gt: K Jee
Doing free recoverys msg Gyvn for info guaranteed flawless
• [b]Holiday Special[/b] • Doing FREE Carries!! • Stats • destinytrialsreport.com/xbox/Remarkzz/… • Twitch • Www.twitch.tv/remarkzz Message [b][u]Remarkzz[/u][/b] to run! [b][u]WATCH ME DOUBLE CARRY ON STREAM!!![/u][/b] [b][u]JOIN TWITCH TO BE PICKED FOR A FREE CARRY[/u][/b]!
Doing $10 [u][b]recoveries[/b][/u] Guaranteed flawless Message and I'll send you a party inv
1710 1.35 and a 1810 w a 1.4 looking for someone similar. Gt same as above
Watch DYMOND96 with me on Twitch! http://www.twitch.tv/dymond96?sr=a
Need 2 elite players to go flawless. 1.0 and above
2.2 overall crucible 1.4 trials because I try double carries . Looking for two 1.7 kd or above Message gt above for inv . **************** *******************
Need two players. I'm 378 light so I'll need some serious players. Let's have fun with it. Merry Christmas Eve. Message Lcarpetron dook for invite.
• [b]Holiday Special[/b] • Doing FREE Carries!! • Stats • destinytrialsreport.com/xbox/Remarkzz/… • Twitch • Www.twitch.tv/remarkzz Message [b][u]Remarkzz[/u][/b] to run! [b][u]WATCH ME DOUBLE CARRY ON STREAM!!![/u][/b] [b][u]JOIN TWITCH TO BE PICKED FOR A FREE CARRY[/u][/b]!
• [b]Holiday Special[/b] • Doing FREE Carries!! • Stats • destinytrialsreport.com/xbox/Remarkzz/… • Twitch • Www.twitch.tv/remarkzz Message [b][u]Remarkzz[/u][/b] to run! [b][u]WATCH ME DOUBLE CARRY ON STREAM!!![/u][/b] [b][u]JOIN TWITCH TO BE PICKED FOR A FREE CARRY[/u][/b]!
• [b]Holiday Special[/b] • Doing FREE Carries!! • Stats • destinytrialsreport.com/xbox/Remarkzz/… • Twitch • Www.twitch.tv/remarkzz Message [b][u]Remarkzz[/u][/b] to run! [b][u]WATCH ME DOUBLE CARRY ON STREAM!!![/u][/b] [b][u]JOIN TWITCH TO BE PICKED FOR A FREE CARRY[/u][/b]!
i am doing account recoverys for cheap i am doing them for a $10 microsoft card per character message gt above if you are intrested
Need a carry partner, i have a 1.6kd yr3 and a 1956 elo. Msg TheGreatClutch(capital I) with ur stats if you have better..
1.1 kd 1400 Elo plus good call outs 4-0 need someone someone to help finish the card
Dear Santa...all I want for Christmas is a flawless run. I"ve been 8-1 all month on Trials. Please send me 2 guardians that can help me slay the enemy! Msg GT.
Looking to join team for 7 wins, GT is OneSaltySeaman, not great but not bad.
Double carries 2170 Elo 2.4 kd gt itz DAN au
i am doing account recoverys for cheap i am doing them for a $10 microsoft card per character message gt above if you are intrested