[i]"It's that time again guardians"[/i]
[b][u]FREE FOR THE HOLIDAYS![/u][/b]
Wanting to show off that brand new shiny trials armour off to your friends...Or do you just like to get things completed and reach that milestone? Then don't miss this!
Me and some of the top players have made it our Funtime to help get you that flawless!
Year 2 I placed [b][u]top 70th[/u][/b] for trials with over [b][u]2400 Elo!!![/u][/b] So you will be in great care!
[b]•My stats•[/b]
Feel free to join my stream will be doing free carries FOR THE HOLIDAYS!!
[b]•Twitch• [/b]
Everyone is welcomed.
Please message •[b][u]Remarkzz[/u][/b]• via Xbox one for further information or message me on twitch via the link given above.
This is going to be an awesome year for trials! Have fun and good luck!
Need one for a flawless run. 1.3+ kd. Will be checking stats. Message LWalkOnSkies.
Need one guardian I have a 1.4kd and a 1780 Elo at best Have same or better stats Message LEGEND IS HEERx for inv
Need 1 for trials 1450+ elo. Msg Cocorocker for inv
Lf1 1.5 kd+ message gt AdderailAdmirai with your stats for an invite
399 warlock. Sunsinger. 1.0 kd. Invite GinjaNinja0133
Looking for two sweaties can hold own. Who has the skills please help. Inv gt same don't waste time.
Need 1
Looking for 2 to go flawless with No scrubs or kids. Must have previously gone flawless and communicate well Must be 395+ Gt GARCHOEZZ3
Need 1 more. 1.6
Need 1.. just be positive and good at communicating. We're both +1 and have been flawless this year. Message on Xbox, GT same as above
Need 1 for a flawless run. Stats: 1.32 kd and 1766 elo. Looking for similar or better stats. Msg me for inv
Need 1
• [b]Holiday Special[/b] • Doing FREE Carries!! • Stats • destinytrialsreport.com/xbox/Remarkzz/… • Twitch • Www.twitch.tv/remarkzz Message [b][u]Remarkzz[/u][/b] to run! [b][u]WATCH ME DOUBLE CARRY ON STREAM!!![/u][/b] [b][u]JOIN TWITCH TO BE PICKED FOR A FREE CARRY[/u][/b]!
Need 2 with a positive kd and and a good knowledge of the map 395+ is a must and have a mic please no squeaky toys and no down syndrome people i expect you to not die as much as humainly possible . Im checking stats because i cab hold my own with solid team shooting
• [b]Holiday Special[/b] • Doing FREE Carries!! • Stats • destinytrialsreport.com/xbox/Remarkzz/… • Twitch • Www.twitch.tv/remarkzz Message [b][u]Remarkzz[/u][/b] to run! [b][u]WATCH ME DOUBLE CARRY ON STREAM!!![/u][/b] [b][u]JOIN TWITCH TO BE PICKED FOR A FREE CARRY[/u][/b]!
i am doing account recoverys for cheap i am doing them for a $10 microsoft card per character message gt above if you are intrested
Need one for trials that has good KD and ready to go flawless. Message vaga757 for invite
400 Titan can hold own need two try for flawless be chill but good message gt below moorezilla1987
• [b]Holiday Special[/b] • Doing FREE Carries!! • Stats • destinytrialsreport.com/xbox/Remarkzz/… • Twitch • Www.twitch.tv/remarkzz Message [b][u]Remarkzz[/u][/b] to run! [b][u]WATCH ME DOUBLE CARRY ON STREAM!!![/u][/b] [b][u]JOIN TWITCH TO BE PICKED FOR A FREE CARRY[/u][/b]!
2.2 overall crucible 1.4 trials because I try double carries . Looking for two 1.7 kd or above Message gt above for inv . **************** *******************
Need one player. I'm 378 light so I'll need some serious players. Let's have fun with it. Merry Christmas Eve. Message Lcarpetron dook for invite.
Need one person me and buddy have 1.25-1.4 1500 Elos 80 flawlesss have our stats or better please message and I will check stats then send invite
Need one for trials...GT same as above
1.2 k/d warlock looking for a good TEAM to go flawless. DO NOT WASTE MY TIME WITH GARBAGE SKILL OR ATTITUDES. gt same, send invite please.
400 hunter been flawless twice looking to go a 3rd I need to try hard players whos serious about winning send msg to GT rastamongeo 420
Need 1 for kd and elo farm in trials already went flawless me and my buddy are good add us evokidzz