[i]"It's that time again guardians"[/i]
[b][u]FREE FOR THE HOLIDAYS![/u][/b]
Wanting to show off that brand new shiny trials armour off to your friends...Or do you just like to get things completed and reach that milestone? Then don't miss this!
Me and some of the top players have made it our Funtime to help get you that flawless!
Year 2 I placed [b][u]top 70th[/u][/b] for trials with over [b][u]2400 Elo!!![/u][/b] So you will be in great care!
[b]•My stats•[/b]
Feel free to join my stream will be doing free carries FOR THE HOLIDAYS!!
[b]•Twitch• [/b]
Everyone is welcomed.
Please message •[b][u]Remarkzz[/u][/b]• via Xbox one for further information or message me on twitch via the link given above.
This is going to be an awesome year for trials! Have fun and good luck!
Need a really good partner to do carries Similar to 1.5 1900 Msg Accuraticity
Need one for flawless im a 1.60 kd gt swr dwn must have 1.6 plus checking stats
Could some one kindly carry me through trails I'm a 400 warlock with a 1.12 kd but need help
Need a really good partner to do carries Similar to 1.5 1900 Msg Accuraticity
Need two for flawless im a 1.60 kd gt swr dwn must have 1.6 plus checking stats
Need 1 to Elo farm 1.6+ 1700+
Need one msg sos xhobo for invite pos kd 1500 elo
Need 2, 1500+ and 1.2+
Have a 1.2KD+ and gone flawless year 3. Message Xebras for inv. Checking stats.
Doing flawless run. MUST BE GOOD AND TALK. Msg ImCooljay with class and MUST have +1800elo
Doing flawless run. MUST BE GOOD AND TALK. Msg ImCooljay with class and MUST have +1800elo
Need 1 1.3kd and 1.2kd Gt above. Similar stats. No kids. Be chill.
Looking to join team w/ at least 1500elo. MSG MGMoceri
Need 2, 1500+ and 1.2+
400 Hunter 1541 elo 1.24 y3 kd 1.24 weekly two time flawless this week 19 times o/a looking to join a team for flawless
2KD - LF1 with similar stats for flawless run. Msg for inv.
• [b]Holiday Special[/b] • Doing FREE Carries!! • Stats • destinytrialsreport.com/xbox/Remarkzz/… • Twitch • Www.twitch.tv/remarkzz Message [b][u]Remarkzz[/u][/b] to run! [b][u]WATCH ME DOUBLE CARRY ON STREAM!!![/u][/b] [b][u]JOIN TWITCH TO BE PICKED FOR A FREE CARRY[/u][/b]!
Need 2 sweaty player for flawless run! Must of been flawless multiple times! Must be able to hold ur own! Message ItsMatch for invite!
Hey guys! Looking to play trials! My stats are 1.8 kd with 1900 + elo! Please have similar stats. My gt is LntersteiLer message me! 👍
Trials flawless need one must have been flawless before must be able to communicate no kids 1.2+ msg on Xbox
Hey guys! Looking to play trials! My stats are 1.8 kd with 1900 + elo! Please have similar stats. My gt is LntersteiLer message me! 👍
Need 2, 1500+ and 1.2+
Need 1 more to scarab farm 1.6 trials KD, please have similar Message if interested
Looking for two sweaties can hold own. Who has the skills please help. Inv gt same don't waste time.
Looking for 2 to scarab farm 1.6 trials KD, please have similar Message if interested
I know my stats aren't that great. I have a .80 kd and 1209 elo I've been flawless before. Just want to see the lighthouse again. If you can help msg JOSHIEBRAHH PLEASE BE GOOD. I'm not a carry. I am very confident I can hold my own