[i]"It's that time again guardians"[/i]
[b][u]FREE FOR THE HOLIDAYS![/u][/b]
Wanting to show off that brand new shiny trials armour off to your friends...Or do you just like to get things completed and reach that milestone? Then don't miss this!
Me and some of the top players have made it our Funtime to help get you that flawless!
Year 2 I placed [b][u]top 70th[/u][/b] for trials with over [b][u]2400 Elo!!![/u][/b] So you will be in great care!
[b]•My stats•[/b]
Feel free to join my stream will be doing free carries FOR THE HOLIDAYS!!
[b]•Twitch• [/b]
Everyone is welcomed.
Please message •[b][u]Remarkzz[/u][/b]• via Xbox one for further information or message me on twitch via the link given above.
This is going to be an awesome year for trials! Have fun and good luck!
2.2 trials kd looking to do a quick flawless run or 2 Message sawbdawg for invite. Preferably at least a 1.7
Need 1 virgin with a low elo Message Carry Me Pis
Flawless run Must have been flawless year 3 385+ Above a 1.5 for the week
Plox carry please
Need someone to help carry me carry . 2.1 overall 1.4 trials because I tried double carries but account is new so easy to bring up . *Looking for two 1.8 kd or above *Doing paid carries (I'll give you half) *message gt above for inv
1.3 1531 Elo 42 flawless, 1.5 1683 Elo 38 flawless. Need one with similar or better stats
Need 2 for a flawless run the only requirement is just to be good msg gt above for inv
2 sweaties need one more Kd must be over 1. 100x's flawless let's go! Santacular.
Could someone help me go flawless
Never been flawless, semi carry would be nice.
Need 1 for trials. Better have been flawless before no kids and carry your own. Msg jbeezy011 or poi 1
Need 2 good players +KD please
Anyone help me go flawless have never been and would appreciate it a lot :) thanks and merry Christmas :) GT is Johnson 2314
1809 ELO 1.42 KD inv GT: Tsuikyu
Need one decent chill player message for invite
Edited by Dooodley: 12/25/2016 8:03:46 PMAnyone wanna take a micless noob to 7 wins?
Need 2 good players +KD please
Edited by Beezy RTL: 12/25/2016 8:01:51 PMneed 1 trials have been flawless, carry your own, know the map, 1.3+elo well be checking and no kids. Gt poi 1
Looking for group Kd 1.9 Gt - Tuck You Ln
Doing free carrys msg on Xbox Tjuv be ready With Passage
Need 2 for scarab and flawless Requirements 1.0 kd Mic Flawless or scarab emblem No carries Good at sniping or shotguns Call outs Must know the map 1,500 Elo Msg HockeyShotz25 with emblem light subclass thx I'm checking sweats
[quote][quote]Quick flawless run this is my clan mates account alrdy been flawless 3 times this weekend be 1.4kd plus add Soke rage [/quote]
Need 1 good player for flawless run. 396 Hunter but this is my second account main is Felwinterz 1800 elo 90+ flawless. Msg BlazeDxz with class and light for invite. Will check stats
Need one have good stats,I will be checking, plz don't waste my time if your stats aren't good, msg me at Lil Dids19
Need 2 *Must have been flawless in year 3 * I don't care about KD just be good enough to hold a shotgun or a sniper *Join in app or message me for an invite * Thanks !😜