I've attempted this several times since it first released, and since I just got my Raze-Lighter, I decided I'd give it another go. Turns out, the door that leads to the ketch won't open. All I can do is scan the door, at which point my Ghost simply says that the Fallen were here, and we just missed them.
Thinking it might have just been a random bug, I restarted the mission. Sprinted to the door as fast as I could, and got the same thing. I know I'm not the only one running into this problem as well. Here's a forum post from just a few days ago: [url]https://www.bungie.net/en/Forums/Post/219589699?showBanned=0&path=0[/url]
I am running the mission on Heroic difficulty.
I did not wipe during either attempt to get to the ketch.
This seems to be an issue that was introduced with the Dawning update. Since this is the only possible way to procure the Black Spindle, those of us who don't have it simply cannot get it, currently.
Edit: I know that the Destiny subreddit isn't the official forum for these sorts of things. But there have been several posts by others regarding this issue as well.
*UPDATE: 12/21/16*
Just tried it again last night, this time with a friend. Everything worked as it was supposed to and we were finally able to get our Black Spindles.
Maybe it's just confirmation bias, but I swear it's never been as inconsistent as it was two days ago. The only thing that I tried differently, was not going for it solo. No idea as to whether or not that actually did anything.
It's not bugged. If the door isn't opening, your're either taking too much time to get to it, or someone died between putting the last orb in, and getting to the door
Swapped host... killed more enemies on the way in... door was open
As of June 2017 Still an issue
Edited by surfboardward: 3/11/2017 6:57:50 PMSo over the past few days, now March 2017, I thought I would try the Black Spindle solo (It's really that I don't have any friends online). I now have all three of my characters up to 400 light. I ran the warlock with Stormcaller. I boosted the agility node to presumptively make it move faster. I would spawn on the planet and work my way down the long corridor killing thrall and dregs to boost my super and pick up green and purple ammo along the way. I get to the end of the corridor and kill the ogre, grab the shard, wait by the door then sprint the whole way back through the taken. No little skirmishes, no wipes, just run like crazy. Get through the door with the single husk, run quickly to the next, get through the door with the two husks, and run into the final room without ever dying to get to the ketch - Door was always locked - "Sorry, You just missed them." I did this like 8 times, and was getting very good at quickly picking through the taken crowds at each locked door. So I know it wasn't that I was moving too slow. Nothing worked. So the one variant I tried was to run as soon as I spawned on the planet. No picking up ammo, no juicing my super, no little thrall battles, just ran as fast as I could TOWARD the ogre room. When he appeared I went after him hard with super, grenade and solar sword and put him down as fast as I possibly could. Grabbed the shard, waited by the door, then ran like crazy back through the two locked doors to the final exit over to the ketch. Abracadabra, it was finally open. Now, was this just random, or is it that some unknown clock really starts running on you as soon as you land on the Moon? Don't know, because I only ran this once. I got demolished on the second phase of this mission. I died over and over again on the ketch to where I only had two minutes left on the time clock when I got to the final boss room. So I realized I just don't have the skills to ever solo this. Anyone after this exotic, shoot me a note, and we'll go get it. Surfboardward
Still an issue as of last night. I guess Bungie doesn't care
This is still an issue. Tried twice yesterday and neither time the door opened.
Warning: if you haven't transferred anything from ps3 to ps4 yet get the black spindle on ps3 first. It still works fine on ps3 because i have Destiny for both and checked. I just wish i would have gotten it before I transferred all my stuff to ps4. From the comments i read in other blogs or whatever the hell they're called you have to do it really really fast so I'll keep trying i guess.
Edited by MercurialPaladin: 1/6/2017 7:38:34 PMI had the same issue while running solo never dying. I ran it 10 times and only once was it open for me. I tried restarting, going to the tower, starting a new mission and then trying lost to light heroic. Also tried seeing if grabbing the crystal too early glitched it or phasing enemies with door openings. None worked. So I tried speed running. Recorded my times for each run, both times I made it through it was sub 7 minutes; 6:12 and 6:15. Maybe it is time based to ketch door.
I did it today, just picked the regular mission, changed the light to 320 (HARD yellow) and did twice, the first time when we arrived to the door was closing, then we did it the second time, we realized you have to rush the whole mission to find the door open. So, IF YOU WANT TO GET THE BLACK SPINDLE JUST RUSH THE WHOLE MISSION, FROM THE VERY BEGINNING, IF NOT THE DOOR WILL CLOSE IF YOU ARE NOT FAST ENOUGH TO FIND IT OPEN. Note : the young wolf sword (rise of the iron solar sword) worked excellent in combination with the solar grenades (Warlock) and the dragon's breath.
I tried it twice. Never died any where. Ran from the beginning to the Ogre , got the fragment, ran back non stop. Did the orb part to unlock the door , still didnt die, unlock the door with the 3 orb lock and the Ketch door was closed. Tried again but went straight for the door, ghost scanned it said we just missed the taken and door still closed. Do I need someone with me or is it possible with solo? Or is it just bugged?
It Needs to ether be the daily mission or do it on hard but if that doesn't work it might be because you cant die at all and you need to be quick when running through the level
Had the same problem couple of nights ago. Was taking 2 clan members through to get their spindle and everytime we tried the door to the ketch was closed
maybe it reverted back to you can only do it when its the daily?
Bump.. same here. Door is closed.
Yes I have the same problem since Last update, the door is always close at the end of the mission I just can scan it... Hope Bungie solve this quickly.
Same tried with a friend a few times. The door opened once but only for two out of our fireteam. Then it wiped us. I did it with another friend before the update and it worked fine. Like some have said must be a bug from the latest update
Bump. Tried to help a friend tonight and can't get the door to open. We had no wipes and did it in plenty of time.
Edited by BrotherFilmriss: 12/21/2016 6:53:17 AMDid you try running the thing solo and VERY fast like I did? I encountered the same problem and only by running it solo on heroic from the director and running really really fast through the level (I used the sword for most of the enemies and the G'horn on the ogre) did the door stay open in the end. After that I invited my fireteam to join.
In order to get black spindle Lost to light needs to be the daily mission.