originally posted in:The New Dojo
Preida, Scout of Ausar
Song of Death
A blue, crystal-like Sicklesword (Khopesh) enchanted with a mysterious aura. One which no one can explain.
Eye of Ausar
Preida, at will, can see if a person will die, how they will die, or who/what they will die by.
[spoiler]Long ago, on the sands of the Egyptian desert, a great battle had begun. One that had brought many to the afterlife, one with great importance.
Prieda was on the battlefield, fighting for her pharaoh fearfully. Many of her friends had died that day, and she wished she could have prevented their deaths. She prayed to her gods behind a large stone, Khopesh clutched in her right hand. Her forces were advancing forwards towards victory, a victory that could have changed history until...
One great streak of light struck the center of her army, just in front of her own body, blowing her back and sending the rock behind her flying into pieces. All around her the stench of burning blood and flesh filled the air, the blood and flesh of her comrades as they burned away from the intense light. But not Preida. The light was a comforting warmth rather than a deadly force. Time seemed to slow around her as the light seemed to speak to her, an unknown language. Even though she knew nothing of this language she knew what was happening, she had become a scout of Ausar, or Osiris.
The light disappeared and time began to speed up again, she got blown back into the sand where a swirling vortex had formed. She was immediately caught in it and sunk like a stone in water. She suddenly found herself falling from the sky through the clouds towards the oceans of Tatakai. The Dojo was visible from her view and the great city it sat in as well.
As she fell she could see another vortex on the water below, and once again, she went through it. This time the portal threw her onto the ground in front of the Dojo's gates.
This is where her journey begins.[/spoiler]
Inb4redaction of character
Y tho
Oh wait nvm. Thought this was Atom for a second xD