Within the first 2 hours, me and a group of friends ran the nightfall getting to the end with 15 minutes left. It won't do anything as the relic decides to bug out, constantly spawning and despawning. Resulting in us having to run the bounty that we had technically already completed.
Not to mention about the wording of the bounties as they are not specific enough. Such as the nightfall bounty that was given. You need to achieve a gold before the half an hour timer, But on top of that you need to complete the nightfall.
Don't get me started on the pathetic way to get the Ice Breaker through bounty grinding allowing all skrub that joined the game in year 3 to get it first. For example, all my friends are year 1 players and know exactly how powerful the Ice Breaker is to allow some people to get it so easily seems unfair. [quote]RNG FOR LIFE[/quote]
Last but not least, the new SRL/Strike scoring book is broken to the point where you cannot even get started on one of the challenges. While completing the weekly Vanguard elite bounties, we had found out that they did not count towards the book progress.
Yours sincerely,
Squad of day 1 players that you screwed over.
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[quote]Destiny will be back, we can save it/quote]
So true. Its almost like we're the first borns that no-one cares about anymore