So i have been playing crucible daily from when ROI came out (Be suprised i still haven't killed myself with all these metador abusers)
Sad story, haven't gotten a metador after all this time..
while people who have just purchased ROI on their first game get a perfect roll metador
Same with archons forge.. Have done it atleast twice a week on each character for an hour or two.. But haven't gotten Saladins vigil even once while everyone seems to get them easily
Until today, Today bungie decided to bless me for 1 hour
Granting me a nice roll Saladin's Vigil, And a fine roll Metador
These are the two weapons i wanted and couldn't get no matter how much i tried..
Only weapon in the game that i haven't gotten yet and i want to get is Y3 Thorn
(Have been a fan of thorn since i got it around the april update) so currently i'm stuck with a Y1 thorn for the crucible, So bungie feel like blessing me even more? <3
Thanks bungie/Rng
Whoever is reading this, I am starting a trend from now on Never call a Metador Matador ever again
Lets start calling this weapon "Metador 69" instead of "Matador 64"
Still looking for a longbow or LDR. Haven't gotten a single one.