Hello everyone. I'm here because apparently I'm looking for the Holy Grail of Destiny. No, it's not year 1 Gjallarhorn in all it's glory. It's not elemental damage primaries. It's not an undiscovered exotic weapon.
It is just finding a team that can beat the freaking Aksis challenge mode.
I can't understand why people are having such a terribly hard time with this...
In a way I'm glad because it's actually challenging! I'm glad that it is so much more involved than just having to wait an extra minute each round because you're not detonating bombs yet (although I do miss the dance parties in the center of Oryx's chambers)... But at the same time, the mechanics are really not that difficult to understand!!
Unfortunately for me my main source of finding a team is through LFG, and that is definitely part of the problem, and I understand the risks of playing that way. But again, the mechanics are not that difficult! If someone has even done normal mode, this is not that hard to pick up!
So what is everyone's secret???
I'm dying to know how to get people who can stay focused, not blame everyone for the same mistakes they're making, and just get the job done!
I'm thankful I've beaten it, but I would love to do it more consistently.
If you've made it this far in the post, I commend you. What a silly thing to rant about haha but there it is. I just want to beat challenge mode again!!
I see no point in Challenge Mode. Not very rewarding.