Sparrow racing again, Nexus strike, 2 more flavors of Thunderlord and Ice Breaker again.
See you when D2 drops.
Wah. It's free and also an event. Don't expect much when it comes to events. Also this even goes beyond expectations because it is giving us strike scoring and some revamped sttikes. Who cares if it was in the game already. Asking for absolutely new things every update is outrageous. When there is a sandbox update you don't see bungie adding any new weapon archetypes. They just fiddle with things already in the game. This will be just the same just with strike encounters and also a new way to play strikes and also this update will probably also contain a sandbox update to change how weapons and abilities work. Lastly, this winter event surpasses previous ones greatly because yr 1 was a random legendary weapon. Yr 2 was just SRL with two maps. This year so many things. Also content from eververse is completely optional and mostly cosmetic. Bungie is just finally figuring out that people want really cool stuff if they have to buy it. So they deliver us some of the coolest armor to be in the game.
[quote]b b but it's free[/quote] Wow, how great of them to give us stuff that was already in the game over a year ago for "free"
Updates are not DLC like RoI or TTK. Bungie adding anything in between dlc is on them to do it or not. They don't have to. But they do. Also focusing on one thing of many things this update holds is just ignorant. "But it's just a reskin!". Ok, how about the different mechanics that are being added to each strike being "reskinned". Are those just irrelevant because it is happening to something already in the game? No, they're not. They add to the game. Also there is strike scoring which adds more fun to shooting aliens. People talk like Bungie has to add something new everytime there is an update to anything. They don't have to and they shouldn't have to. But they do whether it's cosmetic or some new way to play. Also what do you expect out of an event?
No, reskins do not add to the game. Doing the same strike but with different colored guys is not new. This is nothing to act like bungie is great for. They deserve the criticism that they get.
[quote]TL;DR Sparrow racing again, Nexus strike, 2 more flavors of Thunderlord and Ice Breaker again. See you when D2 drops. [/quote] Lol