Please add a Non-ranked, Connection based Combined Arms playlist. Also, please buff the vehicles so that they aren't as easily killed by supers. Buff the fire rate on the pikes, also increase the mag size before the cannons cool down. This will promote more vehicle battles and turret use.
Also, please add Frontier to the map rotation to mix it up.
An exclusive weapon set, gear set, and Shader would promote people to give it a shot.
I think this would add a lot to the game by providing a casual, connection based battleground.
The vehicles are stupid as hell in pvp. Takes no skill to drive around with an interceptor & kill non vehicle players. Same goes for spamming mines on a pike. Zero skill. & you want them to be more resistant to the only thing that kills them? Essentially you want it to be easier to drive around & kill players that arent on vehicles. Sounds like fun :/ The only way vehicles make sense is in a vehicle required playlist where ALL players are in vehicles.