Before you read on, [b]please read the edits.[/b] I don't know how many times I've had to explain to everyone that my shot didn't do damage because of Juggernaut, not the overshield.
Juggernaut isn't balanced. There is no reason you should get a shield after running for only 1 second. At least revert the recent buff and make it 2 seconds. This potentially cost me a Trials game.
Edit 1: For those of you who can't see it, I shoot my sniper rifle just after the juggernaut shield pops up. You can see the shot say "immune" and my shot would've been a headshot if you look closely enough.
Edit 2: This is just before I make my shot, so of course the reticle won't be on the head. This is just to prove that juggernaut was in here.
Edit 3: I find this very relevant to most of the comments I've seen supporting juggernaut.
When people bring up this subject I always say that Juggernaut is the most predictable perk in the game. Easily. If people would just bother to learn activation time, how long it last and it's recharge time you can counter it 9/10. (Yes I'm a titan main but I use shoulder charge over juggernaut) Only things I think needs nerfed on striker is lightning grenades and the actual super radius.