So I only just discovered this by accident
I'm sure lots of people already knew and were keeping it secret from me
apparently, if you rapidly ADS/unADS while firing, you can cancel out the 'recoil pattern' of a pulse rifle.
maybe other weapons too, I dunno yet
Spare Change theoretically kills in 2 bursts if you get full crits, but the huge diagonal recoil pattern makes this near impossible
I'm finding that, if I pull the trigger then ADS just as the burst starts, and let it unADS as the burst is halfway through, the recoil doesn't register and all the bullets land pinpoint
I wonder if that's a glitch? something about changing ADS mode too fast causing Destiny to not have time to apply a recoil effect?
(guess I'll need to put a piece of tape in the center of my TV, so I can get things lined up)
SO, for those already in the know, whats the actual term for this technique?
Any similar glitchy ones I should know about?
Edited by combofied: 12/1/2016 3:43:49 PMThis is what I do on the last word, I spam trigger fire while ads/unads
It's not really practical to use while playing unless you're using a fusion rifle.