I came here to talk about my problem, not because I want all of you to feel sorry for me but because I need to start changing. Yes, I reload too often and I have come to terms with who I am and am ready to fight for a new me. It's a serious problem you see, every single time I'm done pew pewing I hit the X button. Even if I only shoot one bullet I reload and it gets me killed more often than I'd like to admit. Please. Help me get over this terrible habit I beg you. its an addiction and sooner or later it's going to lead to sprinting around every corner.... DON'T FALL INTO THIS TERRIBLE CHASM. BE READY FOR EVERY ENCOUNTER YOU GET YOURSELF INTO. DON'T GET CAUGHT WITH YOUR PANTS DOWN [spoiler]and no magazine in your gun[/spoiler]
Thank you all for your time. Now excuse me as I stare at my motion sensor and fall off the map.
Edit 1: About the Author
Punisher24689 was an avid year 1 destiny player. He was there when Xur sold Gjallerhorn for the first time but thought why "spend strange coins on a stupid rocket launcher". His first love was The Last Word, "dude this thing makes me look like a -blam!-ing cowboy g'damn" and it remained a faithful firearm until the end. Problems started when he received a Fatebringer. It's outlaw perk led to quick reloads - and lots of them. He became a frequent reloader with other weapons, fearing paranoia of not having enough bullets to kill that one hunter who keeps blinking all over the place. He was able to manage Trials of Osiris well, using the Y-09 Longbow Synthesis to SNIPE THE -blam!- OUT OF THOSE REVIVES WHOO unfortunately he got into the habit after reloading only after one shot. Coming from an extensive Halo and Battlefield background, punisher had it ingrained in his mind to press the reload button after every kill or kills. Using quick reloading weapons helped but it wasn't enough from saving him running into a blueberry with an autorifle who filled his face with bullets. In one fateful Trials match, punisher faced two opponents with both his teammates down on the other side of the map. Quickly dispatching of one enemy and then hitting the other with his favorite sniper he was confident in a one hit kill with his Jewel of Osiris. We could say that hubris was his downfall, as he put one shot into he thought he would have gotten the kill and instinctively reloaded. He lost the match.
Literally haven't played in a year. I just really like these forums.
Be honest. Have you been reloading lately?
You are not alone. There is no known cure.
Go ask Deej for advise. He's a master of not reloading. Ever.
Happens with me as well (kind of) Every time I kill someone I reload. Even if there are multiple enemies you will see me either hiding behind cover or jumping in the middle of them because I reloaded my TLW (which still had 5 bullets left) At least if I survive I will have full ammo
The best solution would be to stop playing all together.
My problem is i do not reload enough. Can't tell you how many times i died getting the jump on another guardian and get him down to almost dead and run out of bullets because i forgot to reload before engaging him and after a previous fight. I just stand there trying to reload as he shoots me dead. I know i should run or jump or do something....but somewhere in my brain an overwhelming belief takes over that i can just stand there and that i can't let my effort go to waste and i can reload fast enough to finish him off. Never happens....guardian down.
Compulsive Reload Syndrome. I have suffered from this for years since the first Halo game. I still have it but you can join our weekly meetings every Thursday night at www.dumbass.com
Hi punisher, I'm slowdx1. And I'm a chronic reloader myself. OCD drives me nuts.
Hi I'm AirZingis, and I will waste bullets on primaries so that the max ammo in a mag and the reserves add together for a number ending in 0. For example, if the max amount of bullets in a gun's mag is 36, and there's 203 bullets in reserve, I'll shoot 9 shots so that when I reload, there will be 36 in the mag and 194 in reserves. Those two added equals 230.
Lol same
Bad juju.
Hi my names Lxj and I just came to drop my downvote.
Honestly with how fast reloads are in destiny this isn't that big a problem
Chain of woe x3
That moment when you 1v1, face to face, and your first compulsion is to reload lol
Always reload before you hit empty, it's easier to refill the mag with new rounds when not fighting so you're better off firing half the mag then replacing it. I reload all the time after i hit the halfway mark, i do it in all my fps games honestly.
Feel your pain brother, Playing other fps games that allowed almost every weapon to reload fast and on the run, that knee jerk reload is something I can't shake, to this damned day i still catch myself reloading after a couple rounds. Its a disgusting habit that i was sure I'd shake eventually, especially after getting caught a few times because of it but, nope, I still do it...
Use the Touch of Malice the way it's intended and you will be cured.😀
It really sucks when you have perk that asks you not to reload. Especially with zen meteor, but mostly final round.
So there is people out there who are going through the same problems and addictions as me. I now have hope for ar least a non lonely future
I too have this terrible habit...
Finally, another neurosis I am not alone in! I have a support group for players who have killed the Destiny dquirrels while aiming at Guardians. Everyone is welcome & wr have free coffee & day old donuts.
The solution you ask? Bad Juju
Try using a gun with Reactive Reload. This way you can justify it to yourself, you can fend off the feelings of self loathing and guilt. With such a gun, you are supposed to reload after every kill after all.
Me too. I kill a guardian with about 30 rounds (auto rifle), and then reload. Even when I see that there is another guardian right next to him just asking for it! Why can't I stop reloading? I've got a 60 round mag, I could take out two with one mag no problem! Is there a rehab clinic for this?
Just get a gun with reactive reload