Skeleton keys should be a guaranteed drop from your first nightfall (per account) every week, I think that would help them feel at least a little more satisfying.
And now they do. Once again the community of that complains instead of kissing Bungie's ass makes the game one step better
NF should drop an exotic or double exotics no matter what
I just don't understand why they added skeleton keys to make it more likely we'd get rewards we want, but make them drop significantly less often than strike specific rewards did in year 2 anyway.
If you can get one, they still only sometimes work. The best Imago Loop I've gotten so far is one with Truesight, Spray and Play, Firefly, and a choice of Extended Mag, Oiled Frame, and Will of Light. [spoiler]Need help with choice Perk.[/spoiler]
I don't know if there is an issue with some accounts, or if it's the way in which you are doing your grinds, but I have never wanted for a key. I don't think I have ever gone more than 6 strikes in a row on the 320 list without having one drop for me. I was grinding basically all day yesterday for Imago Loops and got 6 keys in a little over 6 hours, 2 of which dropped Loops. If it helps, I am dropping into 320 match making, either using a booster or not, depending on how long I'll be on. I stay in the list until I get a key, and then drop out to go run the strike I'm farming. I never drop to orbit manually, and always just wait for the game to take me to the results screen and drop me back in the queue. It seems like the streak bonus drastically effects the chances of having one drop. Other than that, best of luck, there's no way that I know of to make it go faster than just staying in the playlist till one drops.
OMIGOSH, I found my 4th key since RoI launch today! I was going to use it, but a team of scientists convinced me to hand it over for study. They wanted to look at the DNA to see if there was a way to preserve the species. They're endangered you see, and only 13 mated pairs exist in the world. So you see, I donated my key to science. Someday, who knows, maybe 20 years in the future, keys may roam wild and free again. You can remember me then, and say a silent "Thank you" through the silent tears falling from your eyes as you watch herds of majestic keys roaming the countryside.
Skeleton key drop rate is worse than actual exotics, fix this crap bungie.
That would be an improvement to my nightfall tear rewards.... strange coins! (3 weeks in a row) I would actually get something worthy of the nightfall then. Bump
Did the first NF ever guarantee strike-specific loot? No. Yeah, okay then.
Per account? It should be per character considering the triple rng you get when you open a chest.
Nah ....... next
Agreed. This is a simple quick patch as well
Wow, I feel bad for everyone now. I got 5 or 6 keys from 3 hours of strikes, and randomly get them when friends need them instead
Amen to this topic for me let's have been rare as dang unicorns. I've found 2 outside of the quest reward key across all characters that's five total and three were quest rewards. Cmon man that's just stupid. Make skeleton keys great again!
I get more exotics to drop useing three of coins then keys. It's stupid.
bump drop rate is pathetic
I didn't know skeleton keys can drop from the nightfall...until they did...
I get plenty of skelly keys from the 320 siva strikes. Usually 3 in about an hour and a half. It's no secret anymore that the 320 siva strikes drop them more than the heroics.
They only added skeleton keys so people couldn't grind nightfalls repetitively for higher chances at strike specific loot. Everything comes back to prolonging the grind. [spoiler]but I agree first nightfall a week should for sure guarantee one.[/spoiler]
Yes Or After 3rd strike per character per week
Bump to this!!!
That would be nice but i dont see why we can get a huge increase in skeleton key drop from heroic strikes. We are all mostly after the strike specific loot be it weapons or armor. Even if heroic strikes guranteed a skeleton key drop for every strike completed it wont be a problem. All gear from the strike chests are randomly dropped with random stats. Even if you get that specific piece of gear you want you wont have the roll you want. There will still be a grind but it will at least be more rewarding. Heroic strics should always give a skeleton key.