I didn't want him to be President but the people voted for him and we should respect that.
I am hoping that Hillary will take the loss with dignity and he'll be humble with his victory.
That's all I wanted to say
Lot's of you seem to be discussing the Electoral College and its process in this election. Please watch these two short videos. They're not "biased liberal media lies" I assure you. https://www.youtube.com/watch?annotation_id=annotation_572578&feature=iv&index=13&list=PLC1C0D3F2BA472F62&src_vid=7wC42HgLA4k&v=OUS9mM8Xbbw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7wC42HgLA4k The Electoral College needs to go. Democracy is run by the saying, "majority rules." That has not been the case in America for a [u]very[/u] long time. Added with the fact that the college only exists because of how difficult it was to run elections 200 years ago when everyone had to walk or travel by horse to the polls. Then those votes had to be taken to D.C. where the Electors would receive all of the important information and vote for the president. It's an old system that should be dissolved. Republicans need to look at this election and realize that something needs to change. More so even because you won, and the majority of the government is run by Republicans now. Just because the system allowed you to win, does not mean it should still exist. Do the right thing. Get rid of the Electoral College so we can live in a fair democratic-republic.