If you chose zombies, please state what kind. IE:
The walking dead
Z nation
Etc. . .
Edit: lol, and if you pick the election feel free to say which candidate and why.
Edit2: hmm, was really expecting like way more zombie votes.
Edit3: welp, the poll has a decent ammount of votes(at least for one of my posts) its pretty even, at 53/47 where only 2 votes could tie it up. Im starting to think i should have added more b8 to this post though.
[spoiler]*Large roar in the distance* I regret nothing.[/spoiler]
28 days later zombies
Im thinking Z nation, the sheer variety of zombies would help keep things intresting after the initial outbreak. Especialy when people start innevitably building forts and walls to live behind.
Shameless self bump