Been seeing a lot of people who have names of those who DDoS'd - whether it be messages and/or game stats. We all know that the Name and Shame is a no no and looked down upon from the overlords, but at this point and no response from Bungie, there needs to be something done.
[b]SUGGESTION:[/b] Bungie needs to make a Wall of Shame. This would outline in detail who to either watch out for and/or who has been banned and why. There should also be a way to DIRECTLY report an attack. Let you decide on how but I have an idea. Although, the idea is only for those who have access to DevTools (there are SOME out there).
Edit: trending lol cool thanks
Name and shamming is against code of conduct and they can easily be sued for defamation and slander. With the power of the internet that person who be hunted down and ruined. This is a stupid idea.