I was very excited when the Days of Iron set was first shown off, even more so when I saw it with the ornaments applied. Come RoI, however, when I finally got my hands on it, I must say I was fairly disappointed. The artists who created the concept and the people who translated their design into a 3d model should be proud of the work they've done. My disappointment is due to the people who decided to give this armor a set of predetermined perks, with no option for players to re-roll them to their preferred playstyle.
I want to wear this beautifully crafted armor, but the inability to have the perks I want is too large a tradeoff. Give us the option to reroll our Days of Iron armor.
I know you can "reroll" the int/dis/str and the armor perks by re-opening the packages, but everything else is preset. Why should players be restricted to hand cannon, shotgun/fusion, and rocket ammo?
Actually I would like to see them have very general perks and some extra features, after all its supposed to be the armor of our iron lord. General perks that can roll: Primary reloader, special reloader, heavy reloader, primary ammo, special ammo, heavy ammo, element armor. Other perks that could be added: The perks that were on the iron companion legs. The class item could have a spawn affect. (Like fire around you or something) Also give it the ability to be affected by chroma. Change the color of the fire, maybe put extra chroma in some places. Just some ideas to make the armor special, it already looks awesome.