I came across this video today and thought it would be a good thing to share it with you all. Apparently there's a secret mechanic in the Aksis fight that allows your team to get full supers every time Aksis teleports. The video explains it well, but for those of you who don't want to watch it, I will try to explain it the best I can.
Every time Aksis teleports to be stunned, one of the three squares that the Servitors try to get to will light up red with SIVA. One of the empowered guardians needs to hold Square or X on the square and it'll give a prompt saying "guardians supercharged", and all players will instantly get their supers. This needs to be done before Aksis is stunned, so you need to set up in way that all the squares, along with all of Aksis' teleports can be covered. Also, the square on the same side as Aksis will never be the one to light up, so keep that in mind. Overall, like I said, the video explains it much better.
Hope you all learned something new today like I did! And credit to Dukaness for the video.
Edited by SickChocThunder: 11/2/2016 9:12:07 AMIt's not secret It's been common knowledge for a while now Where have you been? Not many people use it, when I suggest it to a team....err no chance! Tbh many teams I encounter struggle to do it the normal method, let alone adding additional mechanics into the mix. You also need to have the right setup to maximise the damage u r about to dish out. Little point in recharging supers if no one is using there's or your firing off tethers and hardly anyone is dps ing aksis ie the 3 empowered people. So to make it more complicated for a few percent more in damage isn't worth it. I've yet to meet a team who have been competent enough, have the right gear /setup and are interested in doing it? If you are on either console and u think u have the goods - feel free to give me an invite
Okay. But does my belly button have a purpose? And . . . is it sexual?
Not new mate
Until this becomes the challenge no one is going to bother adding the extra headache, most people don't have a problem getting their supers before dps phase. Many people use LFG to get the raid done, it's not exactly a lets hang around and try new stuff atmosphere, it's more of a lets get this over with so we can get on with our night attitude usually.
Probably challenge mode. Everyone needs a full super before aksis can be stunned maybe???
I'm sure this will become useful for Aksis challenge mode
This will be challenge mode. Must sacrifice empowerment every round. Mark my words.
Bump for a year later when I decide to do the raid
Meh people hang to their supers like Germans like ovens I can barley get scrubs to use theirs in final damage phase Let alone earlier But that that strat is how they got a 20 roi run
the problem with this is its only useful for a few supers, GG, nightstalker(especially if you only have one), novabomb, sunsinger, striker w/ a sword, and a bubble but most teams only run multipe nightstalkers bubbles and sunsingers so getting another 3 tethers ect is useless and not needed whenever im a titan i use skullfort for double melting point and make the hunters all GG w/ celestial, last time i did we took aksis to the comma without any swords and each teleport we gpt supers back
It'll be part of challenge mode for sure
This is already widely known amongst most people who raid consistently. I discharge my empowerment every chance I get.
Forgot to mention that it also changes empowerment. That's the tricky part. As long as your team can react quick it's great. But honestly it's easy enough without it. It mainly complicates things more so than helping unless you have a solid team
Old news the thanks
I've been trying to perfect this but it's hard when no one else is on board. I've found that the person covering back mid can position himself to easily get to two of the 3 plates. While standing on the left or right I have trouble making it with my warlock since the glide is so slow. The good thing is that you can tell where aksis will teleport based on the movement of his aura. Sadly though most people don't bother to pay attention to this and I still have to tell them when aksis has teleport ed to their side.
Challenge mode mechanic confirmed.
This is most likely going to be the challenge mode thing.
I really think this will be used for the Aksis challenge, unfortunately I cant get anyone to practice this with me.
We never have a lack of orbs in middle. We know the "secret" but have no need for it. Its pve your super builds in no time by killing ememies and gettibg orbs.. It may be chalenge though
It's not a secret mechanic?