I was very excited when the Days of Iron set was first shown off, even more so when I saw it with the ornaments applied. Come RoI, however, when I finally got my hands on it, I must say I was fairly disappointed. The artists who created the concept and the people who translated their design into a 3d model should be proud of the work they've done. My disappointment is due to the people who decided to give this armor a set of predetermined perks, with no option for players to re-roll them to their preferred playstyle.
I want to wear this beautifully crafted armor, but the inability to have the perks I want is too large a tradeoff. Give us the option to reroll our Days of Iron armor.
I know you can "reroll" the int/dis/str and the armor perks by re-opening the packages, but everything else is preset. Why should players be restricted to hand cannon, shotgun/fusion, and rocket ammo?
Reforge all armour and iron banner weapons and guns. Trials armour and weapons also. Maybe using passage coins. If they actually gave more
Also, if people's issue with this is the ability to get T12 stats, I'd rather see a cap on the top-end for stat rolls for the armor. T11 would still be easily achievable, but it would fall short of T12, even with a "perfect" stat roll. I'd rather have good perks than absolutely min-maxed stats. Also, the difference between T12 and T11 is barely noticeable, so it's not even an issue in my mind.
Actually I would like to see them have very general perks and some extra features, after all its supposed to be the armor of our iron lord. General perks that can roll: Primary reloader, special reloader, heavy reloader, primary ammo, special ammo, heavy ammo, element armor. Other perks that could be added: The perks that were on the iron companion legs. The class item could have a spawn affect. (Like fire around you or something) Also give it the ability to be affected by chroma. Change the color of the fire, maybe put extra chroma in some places. Just some ideas to make the armor special, it already looks awesome.
Maybe give us one permanent perk and one re-rollable? Cause I don't use HCs or care for any gauntlets with grenade perks. My chest piece has crap perks and the boots are meh. Kind of a waste for a lot of players.
I do agree that this is some of the best looking armor/gear Destiny has ever produced. Flat out awesome.
Edited by RAWFLUX: 11/1/2016 9:04:30 AMMassive bump, as I am lucky I use rockets and don't mind the helms, but never use hand cannons or shotguns = not sure this was well thought through and truly hope they keep this in mind for the future ;) Everytime I find something in this game that just seems to make sense to me but doesn't cross the programmers minds, when in doubt, lost for an answer or just confused. I refer to the same answer always = "Because Bungie" And that's more of an answer than Bungie would ever care to muster for us paying customers :(
Bump. It makes no sense
Especially the helmet, I want better already or infusion not whatever perk they have on there.
I don't know why these idiots didn't make this an option. Seems like it should be pretty obvious.
I think the perks should be rerolled but not the int/dis/str because rerolling the stats can lead to some OP tier 12 armor like the Iron Breed armor can.
Bump! Im still salty the book only gave me one ornament though. Id like that fixed just for the doi armor. I want to make my armor fired up without paying more than the 30 i already paid for a handful of missions and a raid.
Bump. I agree.
BUMP. I absolutely love the look of this gear but literally every chest piece has horrible stat rolls and almost exclusively shotgun ammo.
[quote]I was very excited when the Days of Iron set was first shown off, even more so when I saw it with the ornaments applied. Come RoI, however, when I finally got my hands on it, I must say I was fairly disappointed. The artists who created the concept and the people who translated their design into a 3d model should be proud of the work they've done. My disappointment is due to the people who decided to give this armor a set of predetermined perks, with no option for players to re-roll them to their preferred playstyle. I want to wear this beautifully crafted armor, but the inability to have the perks I want is too large a tradeoff. Give us the option to reroll our Days of Iron armor. I know you can "reroll" the int/dis/str and the armor perks by re-opening the packages, but everything else is preset. Why should players be restricted to hand cannon, shotgun/fusion, and rocket ammo?[/qudrote] The perks aren't preset. Rgn has determined a good bit of them at random with more then a poor rate of drop for "decent" perks. Generally you will see the most basic. It took me an hour or "re-rolling" just to find one that had not only Solar armor,arc burn,but the int & disp stats I desired. Amongst that time,I've had sniper amo,hand cannon amo,shotgun amo,hand cannon reloader,sniper reloader + shotgun reloader. 9/10 times tho,none of the reloaders lined up with the amo perk. The RNG isn't designed to give God rolls on free loot like so,otherwise it's be pointless to go gear hunting for those acclaimed "God" rolls. Use what best suits you from the free roll,build around d it from there. BTW those were all chest top armor drops.
[quote]I was very excited when the Days of Iron set was first shown off, even more so when I saw it with the ornaments applied. Come RoI, however, when I finally got my hands on it, I must say I was fairly disappointed. The artists who created the concept and the people who translated their design into a 3d model should be proud of the work they've done. My disappointment is due to the people who decided to give this armor a set of predetermined perks, with no option for players to re-roll them to their preferred playstyle. I want to wear this beautifully crafted armor, but the inability to have the perks I want is too large a tradeoff. Give us the option to reroll our Days of Iron armor. I know you can "reroll" the int/dis/str and the armor perks by re-opening the packages, but everything else is preset. Why should players be restricted to hand cannon, shotgun/fusion, and rocket ammo?[/quote] If I had to venture to guess why Days of Iron Armor doesn't allow you to reroll perks it's most likely because Bungie put New SIVA Directive on WoTM armor. There's an economy to the perk reroll, using 5 SIVA Key Fragments per roll. Honestly, I think it should only be 2 SKF per roll but the point is that it costs something you have to earn. This is to prevent people from easily achieving 'Tier 12' sets with godroll perks, which essentially means 4th tier stats on Intellect, Discipline and Strength with the best perks for their preferred loadout. Generally, only people who're big on PvP go for Tier 12 gear. None the less, rerolling Days of Iron armor for stats is free. There's no armor in the game that allows you to sit there all day rolling for perks for free and that's intentional.
All that stuff is fine with me I don't care for punch speed or gernade whatever i REALLY don't care for perks
Bump for reforge of trials, iron banana and strike specific loot and weapons <<<