Sooo I've been running strike playlists for almost a week and a half straight, obtaining multiple skeleton keys, only to be devastated by receiving the titan mark during the undying mind strike... Am I the only one who can't get the Imago to drop let alone have one drop that's similar to (the one that got away) Fatebringer??
I've gotten 3:4 before and I played 8+ hours without a single drop. My average is probably 1-2 an hour depending on which strike it is, how fast we complete them, and whether or not I've made enough proper sacrifices to RNGeezus (Who, I might add, is a complete dick). I mean, really... Who gives the one guy who ends with 0-0-0 the best loot. Standing in the corner dancing the whole time, or shooting in the air at nothing to make it look like they're contributing... I'll find that little bastard one day...