I'm pretty happy so far. I got Candlelight, Superblack, The Broom and the emblem, which is what I wanted.
So unfortunately, I may not do Crucible
The Treasure of the Lost may not have what I desire.
The crucible shader's drop rate is really high. 1 or 2 games should do it.
I'm not really after that shader because I dislike green.
Me too, it's a pretty ugly shade of green too. It's so easy to get though, that you might as well add it to the collection. Some shaders that may look ugly at first glance may come in use later, like Chalcedony. The only shader that matches both the cloak of Taniks before it could change with a shader, and the hood of malok.
I may do Crucible at a later date.
Won't even let us keep the broom, so sub par.
Not a big deal to me
Advice for crucible: Run combined arms, grab heavy pike, get corner kills with side-step tracking grenades.
Thank you I usually just go into Supremacy and murder people lol.