Hey all, we're looking for 1 more person who wants to do trials, and honestly we're just looking to have some practice in the trials. We really haven't had the opportunity to play much so we aren't looking to go flawless yet or anything.
That being said, we just really want 1 (or whoever wants to) more to join us on a regular basis to play trials who isn't too serious to practice with.
Until there's some kind of matchmaking system, we're stuck with just the two of us wanting to play, and a lot of people who don't want to play trials or crucible at all. Let us know if you're interested!
**Edit: I'm sorry, I should clarify, we're on PS4.
Need 2 for gold tier bounty. Had game since year one never been flawless not good at trials. Add saints42088 just for bounty. Not looking to go flawless.