I don't understand the "Slots open" and everyone I see are full so hopefully people will see this.
Hunter 385
Titan 380
Warlock 381
My gamer tag is the same as this user. Happy Raiding!
Thanks guys.
392 titan looking for raid
Fresh hard raid 395 warlock and friend 399 we need 4 msg gt above for inv
400 light need for fresh hard raid only need one msg for inv
Hi, looking for hard wotm, know what I'm doing, Xbox Titan at 399
Looking for a fresh normal mode raid I'm using my 381 hunter gt Ipman3000
Normal raid need 4 we have hunter 391 Titan 391 warlock 385 gt b20killa1212
Normal raid need 3 we have hunter 391 Titan 391 warlock 385 gt b20killa1212
Hi looking for hard raid, Titan at 398 message me.
I'm a 385 titan and I need help on t he wotm raid. Please help. Just send a message and I'll invite you.
Fresh Raid 365+ need 4 players
Looking to join a raid. 383 hunter
Need 3 for fresh wotm doing vosik challenge..please be experienced..gt Lmmashooter
Need 4 fresh run
354 warlock, looking to join raid team
I need 5 for WOTM normal, Aksis 2nd phase, MUST BE EXPERIENCED!!! Message me for invite.
387 titan lf fresh run inv gt above
Looking for raid team fresh start messege fat cow oo for invite or invite me
390 warlock with mic looking for raid team
I'm look for fire team
Looking for fresh team for normal run xb1 384 hunter message gt xV Tyrant Vx
Need 1 hard 390+
Need 2 for aksis phase 2 got 4 monitors message dyingston for invite
Lf 2 fresh run message Don jrok
Need 3 for normal final boss 2nd phase
Need 2 for final boss norm
Need 2 for normal 365+