Church pls.
Edit: Link is broken. Sorry. Nothing I can do.
I get it. [spoiler]church will always be his best friend... [/spoiler]
That song is about being homo
I really like the song hosiers(I think thats his name) has an amazing voice
I get choir flashbacks when that song plays...
I hate that song. Starts off okay then devolves into that plodding droning chorus.
I think back to the Victoria secret fashion show cause that was the 1st time I heard it heard it way too many times since
I worship like a dog attheshishrkahdfk. [i]~TheSpookyReebok[/i]
Idgi. I hate that song though
I associate that song with strippers.
Don't remind of it. [spoiler]link works for me[/spoiler]
Lol nice